Thursday, May 18, 2006

~*TireD dAys8*~

today dunno y so tired...
dunno tired in wat la..
but really tired la
last night me n max yan jiu the JJ song
see wat step suitable
then we both until 4 something ...
no...he 4 something sleep..
i 5 something sleep..
coz watching NARUTO
then the next day at 8 am..
max talk on phone so loudly
coz i'm easy to awake de
then after a while i sleep back le
then wake up at 11 something lo
the feel not good la when wake up
feel so tired n stress
the whole day not in good mood la
watch naruto at noon watch til sleep le
then summore at night got dance training
then juz straight away go dance at 8 something la
then back at 11 something
so the whole day very tired
but my tiredness been reduce a lot
when i chat with my dear
althought the chat was short
but i'm so happy la
dunno y
n sumore she was wearing the tennis cloths
so seducing..kakakaka
before we end our conversation at msn
we both so so long gas la
n she give a lot of kiss to me
so nice la
n i give a lot of smile to her too...^^
at last she did give a good night kiss for me through webcam
now alreaady 12am ++
havent bath since dance bcak
those frens out there that start school..
gambateh ya..^^
so happy now^^

~BaNaNa eRiC~


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