Friday, December 01, 2006

finally~~but not reali..

aiyaya..finally lo~
i'm back..
hmm..i change another hard disk d lo..
all my pix gone ar!!
so ppl..hmm..who ever got my pix de..can send it back to me o~
thx thx for all..
hmm..durin dis whole month ler..
reali alot of things happened..
dear dear's going to cameron highlands to perform..tomolo only come back..
so mis mis la..
hehe ^^
hmm..b4 tat..
let me share wit u wat had happen~
on da 5th nov..
my astro decoder spoil, modem spoiled, phone line spoiled.......
follow by dunno when my hard disc burnt...
so unlucky la..
til now..haha
my phone line..i mean streamyx stil unstable la..
so sien..suddenly it will disconnect..haiz~~
ok den everything change d lo..went to tm point dunno how many times d..
then now finally can write bloggy..
but stil unstable =.=

hmm..den on da 16th Nov
jun n bing (my brothers la) went to melbourne..
left me alone at home..
but now use to it abit d lo..

den..on da 19th Nov
went to KLCC
see fishy lo..
got some exhibition there..
wit my aunt, uncle's family, my parents, bro n sis, dear dear n xiao ming..
hmm..quite fun lo~
n i look pretty hor??
i summore got 8 gold fish..which now i'm taking care of them~~

den..on da 23th Nov
after my class around 2pm++
we depart frm PJ to Pulau Pinang..
hmm..around 630pm we cross da bridge n finally~~
then we go search for our hotel..i mean da1 we booked lo..
Copthorne Orchid Hotel..juz behind da toy musuem..
at tanjung bungah..
we even pass dear dear hse n i can recognize o~~
then after puttin all our luggage..
we went out to search for food..
we went to gurney drive..
we all order ambula juice as our drink n ordered a char kuey teow..
so yucky..
not nice at all!!
n itz so small~~~~~~~
=.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.= =.=
then ordered a pasembor..which is rojak..not nice oso..
popiah..ok lo..
har min..(prawn mee) ok la..
then wan ton mee was da best la..
after eating we went to walk around in gurney plaza..
we bot a 5L mineral water..a guava juice n two lassy~
after tat..we head back to da hotel, bath n zZZzzzZZZzZzz

da second day in penang~ (24th Nov)
wake up in da morning den mom n dad went buffet breakfast lo~
after tat we went kek lok si lo..
ate har min as breakfast den went up to kek lok si..
da ppl along da stairs there sell things de so scary la..
bet u kno wat i mean if u been there..
den came down n eat laksa as lunch lo~
after tat we went to my dad's cousin's de shop buy things lo~
den went back to hotel get ready for da nite de reunion dinner lo..
actuali itz my dad's secondary gathering lo..
amazing rite?haha.. 40yrs after graduate..
at tanjong bungah resort lo..juz next to da hotel we stay..
da food oso not nice de..while dear dear having some gathering wit his secondary frens..
after nite me n sis went to eat Roti Hong Kong at a mamak cal Ali
we even tabao one for my parents..

here comes da 3rd day (25th Nov)
in da morning me n sis go for breakfast lo..
da food oso not nice de..
den daddy went back to visit his skul-- chung ling
den when daddy back we went to eat char kuey teow at Lorong Selamat..
we gotta q n take our own order..
itz not cheap oso de ler..
RM5.50(s) where u'll have 3big prawn where as RM7.50(b) for 5big prawns..
only da prawn nice lo..
itz kinda salty ler da kuey teow..
not reali nice..
then we went to prangin mall walk around den my dad say sien d..akaka
den we went to dato kramat..
wanted to eat da popiah..but..
haiyo~~ din open.. haiz.. we ate pasembor lo..dis one nice o~
den me n dear dear went one stop lo..
so hapy can go pakto de..hehe ^^
den we went long gai n stop at ktar there..lookin around lo..hor??
akaka.. xD
den i went home lo..
n we went to da hawker stall at tanjong bungah for dinner lo..
da food there oso not bad la..
actuali wanted to go chulia road to try out a curry mee de..
but very jam lo..actuali got event la..but we din kno lo..
after v finish our dinner den v wanted to try da balitong n fried oyster lo..
but daddy dowan go i called dear dear n ask him to tabao lo~
hee ^^
abt 1hour time finally dear dear reach our room lo..
so apy..we eat together drinkin da guava juice..
den dear dear went back home lo..cos itz kinda late le lo..
at first wanted to go yumcha wit his fren de..but too late le lo..

den next morning (26th Nov)
itz da day we r coming back to PJ lo..
den we went to machalister road de "xin jing Shan" restaurant to try out da "lai liu ha" min..
then meet dear dear there oso lo..
but unfortunately..finish d..
so we juz eat da har min lo..
oso so nice..
very sweet lo da sup..cos of two types of prawn..
den we went to car n start our journey back to PJ lo..
before tat..we went to ipoh n eat ipoh kuey teow nice lo~~
den we went to da salty chicken shop..but no stock..cant try lo..
den we went to buy "heong peng" a kind of biscuit la..tat place de very nice de o~
den we finally start our journey back lo..
i slept on dear dear's shoulder oso o!heh ^^
so sweet~~
hmm..den reach home lo..
so sien lo nothing much to do..

den on wed (29th Nov)
at nite suposingly have dance prac..but..haiz
den end up at dear dear's hse plat NSFU2 hehe ^^
i can drive man~~

today ler..(1/12/2006)
nothing much but did quite alot hse work la..
hehe ^^
gonna start study tomolo..
i have to~~
see u guys around..
i'm gonna update~

wei dear..
post cameron perform de bloggy o~


mis ya~

[t A k e c A r e Z]


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