Thursday, November 09, 2006

~*Performed at Pulau Ketam*~

Hi everyone
Just wanna share some great times while
i performed at Pulau Ketam with CT girls
As i know that Pulau Ketam have to reach there by boat
And we start our jouney to Port Klang at about 4pm
When we reach there is about 5 like that
THen we wait for the boat to come
I wonder what kind of boat is it?
A big ship like those cruise?
Small fish boat?
Before the boat arrive, i had took some pic at there
of coz got some pic is myself de

Port Klang Bay
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The sun is going to set soon
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I'm stil syok at there taking photo
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After a while
We had been informed that the boat had arrive
i saw a big fish boat with blue n white color on it
The boat is nice, quite clean

Big Fish Boat
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but this is not our boat, our boat is another side
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I was zha dao coz this boat kind of small
but very long
as you can see from the pic
the boat body is long but not width enough
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So we just walk in to the boat and start to rest
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We waited the boat to depart for 30mins times
It seems like not going to depart unless the boat is fully loaded
While waiting,
the boat swing here n there
make me so dizzy and wanna vomit
so i tooksome pic to pay attention on photo
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Elva, Eric and Bao
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After taking picture, i rest for awhile
coz not feeling well
But along the journey
i keep sms with ah fui
so that i wont get dizzy
On the way to pulau there are few port out there
is like those public bus we take
it stops at every port to load and land ppl
this is one of the port that i dunno what it's name
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After 10mins, we arrive at pulau ketam lo
THere was a tauke wait us at the port

Pulau Ketam Port
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The sun almost set fully lo
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Once we land, he bring us to eat pulau ketam famous seafood
THe seafood shop looks very normal only
Built with wood and no air cond
like those road side rice shop
But the food here is superb
i'm sware that i'm going to come here again^_^

Once we enter the shop, there is 2 kids on the counter
one girl and a boy
the boy so noti that when he singing a song
suddenly he add "lanciao" in the lyric
oh my god..he was so creative n intelligent
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FOr the first dished, we have their tasty Satay
I tell u ppl ah..their Satay was damn jeng
KAJANG cant fight at all
i dunno how to describe
and is RM0.40 only
the meat so large in piece
and didn't contain any fat
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Next will be our main course on table lo
1. Prawn
This prawn i dunno cooked with what
but the taste is common
you can eat at any place
but the special is the prawn itself
it was so juicy and fresh
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2.Fish soup
I dunno what kind of fish is that
but the tauke said is an expensive fish
just suitable serve in soup
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3. Steam Fish
This one also dunno what fish
But is not hei chang yu
This fish was sell to every where at KL in high price o
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Is one kind of lala
but is not really lala la
the size is big
the meat inside was juicy with the bravy together^_^
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5. Bamboo Tan
This one called "Zuk Tan" in cantonese
normally those zuk tan we ate was like our finger in size
but this one is extra ordinary large n huge plus juicy
But a bit chewy as well
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6. Crab
Last but not least is the crab
I never eat such big crab in my whole life
THe crab hand is as big as my palm
The meat is sweet as well o
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After our dinner we went to that tauke home
You can notice that all the road here are made of wood
it was just bridge for bike or ppl to walk
There is no any crime here as well
very peaceful here de
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After a short rest, we go to the back stage and prepare for show
I had took part of the background on stage
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We wait there for about 30mins
then is our time to perform lo
The ppl here is kind of ok la
not very although here sell lots of it

After our performance
we go back with a speed boat
it was really speed looooooooo
In the boat
the wind so strong til my hair style no more=.=
i did take some pic when in the boat la
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This is all the things in my journey at pulau ketam
i do enjoy it
especially the food
ok la
see u guys around..^_^



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