Tuesday, October 24, 2006

~MoMmY BiRtHdAy~

hmm..happy birthday to my mommy..
hehe ^^
although i kno she wont see dis blog..but juz wish her lar.
hehe ^^
hmm..lets talk back to friday lar..
hmm..as usual~
durin break..we went to eat loh mee near ur hse de..
then me go back to class then at nite went to look for rainnie at mc..
anyway..thurs nite oso went to ur hse..cos they all not at mc..
then spend whole nite wit u~
happy oso lar..
hehe ^^
hmm..fri til i think 1am plus only back home..
but we slept la..
hehe ^^
har~wat u ppl thinkin out there ar?reali sleepin only de lar..
hmm..then saturday got wat ar??..
aiya..don rmb tim..
oh ya..went back to seremban lo..
grandma not feeling wel..went to hospital..
but now i think oki d lo..
ppl,pray for her k?
mm..dear dear's grandma oso not feeling wel recently..
hope both our grandma is oki lo..
hmm..then i bot a new mickey bag, cute cute shoe n long gypsy skirt..akaka
hmm..n my braces oso not tat pain le lo~
then at nite back to pj lo..
then sunday..
erm erm..wat happen d ar..
dunno *bLuR*
monday went midvalley.. but not reali hapy de..
hmm..quite ok la..mm..
den now hapy d de lar..
hope we'll be more happy together de k?
oh yea..sunday me n my family went to kopitiam eat dinner..
then then went giant buy milo and i ask mommy to buy da fish fillet u recommend o!!
summore i buy hash brown~~
u kno i lik it hor?
hehe ^^
b4 tat..erm erm..aiya..dunno go where walk walk d..
oh ya!!went cineleisure!!
n i won a handphone!!!
NOKIA 6030
juz by posing!!
sai lei ler..
hmm..then then bot some nails accesories lo..
n i coloured my nails!!
so hapy..summore itz my younger bro help me de..
hmm..i think tats it le gua..
anyway..take care de o dear..oki?
so many days din see u le..
mis u o~
reali one wk see u once ni ler..

mu mu mu

[t A k e c A r e Z]


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