Sunday, October 29, 2006


ok lets see..hmm
so many days din post le ler..
hmm..oki oki..
on 27/10/2006..
screwbay has a performance at sri hartamas wow wow cafe..
hmm..da performance was brilliant o~
especially da sexy back..wakakaka
which ahmu love da most..akaka
hmm..den there r make up artist there to help us make up..akaka
lets have a look at our ghosty look..akaka~~

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hmm..guess who got da most horrible look award??haha
itz my cute lil bro~~

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**but i don thing he look cute here..=.=!!
he won 6movie tickets which is 3movies n 2tics ea~~
*the Grudge 2
*one missed call
*step up
then a standard room for one night in Genting First World hotel
A giordano t-shirt
n RM30 wow wow cafe voucher..
look at cyrus...
lucky draw 1st place winner!!!
so lucky of him..
won 3bottle of wine~~
then ahmu took one red wine..
me ler..i din get anything lo..juz a goodie bag..
hmm..then we got 5 RM72 david tao's concert tix..
hmm..then after taking it we went back lo..cos itz pretty late d ler..
then then..durin our journey u can see how horrible is our look..
ngek ngek..we were trying to scare off everyone who is stil driving on da road..
but i guess we didnt success..=.=!!
but itz reali fun~~
oki tats how i pass my advanced halloween party~

[t A k e c A r e Z]


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