Friday, October 13, 2006

~*Sakae SuShi*~

long time din post loh
talk back tuesday (10/10/06)
It was my holiday
i dont have work that day
but about 10am
boss called up me
then i went to office for some work
the task was kind of large in amount
so i do til 1 like that
then quickly rush back
it was a raining day
i afraid later when go out with ah fui will rain
so we think of many solution
at last
we come out with go solution

We meet at one U and i fetch her to the Curve
we go there is for Sakae SuShi
I had took some pic on the sushi we eat there
so happy to eat at there
but kind of expensive this time
RM71++ like that
but it worth la

For sushi, at first
i will order 2 things to eat
one is Tamago and another is Salmon
Tamago RM 1.90
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Salmon Sushi RM 1.90
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*As you can see from the picture, the tamago have large egg compare to sushi king, and it was damn sweet as well, beside that, In the Salmon Sushi picture, did you saw the white stripe on the salmon? It was the salmon fat..don think that it was unhealthy, lot's of japanese purposely order fat salmon to eat, coz it really taste damn good, when put in the mouth, it melt straight away like ice cream, don't believe? go try it out at sakae sushi^_^

Beside that
i had specially order 5 dishes

1. Unagi Tofu RM 5.90
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This tofu is nice to eat, as you can see, tehre area tamago(egg) and unagi as the topping of the tofu. If you mouth is big enough, you can eat the whole tofu at a single shot. It was damn jeng la, the sauce was great attach with the tofu, try it!!

2. Ajitsuke Idako Chinmi RM 6.90
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Yummy...this dish was the best mix of sweet baby octopus and seasoning. It server in real cold bowl. You can hardly resist it after you have one of it, just try it la, no lie ooo^_^

3. Soft Shell Crab Temaki RM 3.90
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This temaki is available at sushi king as well, but this one serve in fresh cooked crab, it was so crispy and juicy from the inside. JENG!!

4. Salmon Sashimi RM 6.90
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THis salmon sashimi actually serve in 4 slices, but i forgot to took it once i have 2 slices already. From top there, i had mentioned that the fat that make the salmon taste good, as you can see from this pic, the salmon was stripe with those juicy fat, it do melt in your mouth once you eat it, although it was serve in tick slice, but it do MELT!!!

Last but not list with the jeng sushi!!

I Introduce you....
5. Ikura Premium Sushi RM 13.90
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You may ask, y this sushi so expensive, RM13.90??? Actually for me, it wasn't that worth to eat, but if you never try any thing, don't assume^_^ THis sushi made of salmon roe...that's salmon egg la..before you eat the whole piece, try on eat satu biji of the roe, you can feel some tiny burst from the roe when u bite it, so juicy. After that, you can prepare yourself to have the whole thing in your hungry mouth. But don't put any wasabi or soya..just eat originally, hehe..i dowan to tell u about how it was when you eat, try it urself oA^_^

Actually i think i had 3 plates of Tamago and 2 plates of salmon sushi. But ah fui have 2 plates of ebikko, she love it so much~~
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This is some others pic that took when we having meal there~~

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SO that's all for the sushi meal lo..^_^

~Big BooB eRiC~


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