Sunday, October 29, 2006

~*David Tao Bukit Jalil Concert*~

Hi everyone, from the halloween party we had
we gain 5 tickets for David Tao Concert at Bukit Jalil - 28/10
Actually there are 5 ppl going but end up Bing din go, so just left
Me, ah Fui, fui lil bro and cyrus
That day i was planning to go ah fui place and we went to concert together
but end up raining so heavy and din go le
SO i waited for her to fetch me la
Then we arrive there around 6.45pm and i went to 7-11 buy some stuff
but end up, we cannot bring anything in
so i just leave those tibits and drinks in the car
and we meet up with cyrus and enter the stadium together
there was not really many ppl there that time
just about half of the seat was occupied
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The stage was setup nice and grand
the feel is like in the forest, got lots of trees and leaf there
All the music instrument was setup well there
The pic i took was kind of far coz we sit at the forth floor, hehe
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As this concert was together with Hotlink
they have some sort of advertisement on the screen there before the show
and a air baloon the manually pulled by human around the stadium

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Before the show, the whole stadium was bright in color
so we took some pic at there before they off the light
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When the concert begin, there was bright spot light on top the stage
it make the audience screams for the opening
this is a routine for concert of coz..hehe
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During the concert, the lighting of the stage really nice
the stage design plus the lighting was a perfect feel on ears, eyes^_^
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After the concert, i took a pic on the audience, as u can see from the beginning til end, the audience increase in such a large number
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I do enjoy the concert with those song i know la of coz
that night was the first time we went concert together
feel so good
anyway..u guys should go for this concert as the quality of the singer is irresistable
see u guys around o..^_6

~Working de eRiC~


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