Sunday, October 08, 2006

~bORiNg SuNdaY~ sien la today~
hmm..went to here n there..
then got a camera..
tats it for today gua..
then b4 today..means yesterday la..saturday lo..
lets see wat i've done..hmm..
morning woke up n mop floor...
afternoon went estilia den n auntie wendy's hse..
ate asam laksa..
then drove home n pack
then went to racheal's hse n head to friendster cafe @ damansara perdana..
den stupid fella borrow our radio..
so waited til almost show end den take back radio n back home..
hmm..b4 tat..i ordered a meal... RM 9.10(kid's meal) akakaka~
nemo fish n chips.. =.="
then.......................nothing much la...
oh ya..another thing la..
uni reopen tml..................................
so many dots~~
means sIeNz la...
aikz aikz..
weather so bad nowadays everyone take care lo..

[t A k e c A r e Z]


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