Saturday, March 24, 2007


so people~
as u can see from the title..its a very boring day for me today..
i woke up at 12.30pm haha..
pig~ xD
ok ok..then what i did?
i had my lunch..watched "the making of STOMP THE YARD" then
sit in front of my computer since 2pm until now..
but what i did?haha..rushing assignments..
my 1st semester is ending soon~
thats not a good news!!why?
haha =]
final exam coming and lotsa assignments due date are near! =.=
and i haven't study anything yet~
but still i'm sitting here blogging
tsk tsk~ so notty la me
anyway tats all for today..nothing much..

[t A k e c A r e Z]



Anonymous Anonymous said...

nono..u did many assign n presentation due date nex week.n final is coming..stil hvn prepare any..haiz..

1:28 AM  

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